Game Birds
Services are not available for Game Birds
TEMPERATURE: Guineas and Pheasants should be kept at 35°C 38°C (95°F 100°F) for the first two weeks, measured at chick height, away from all heat sources in the coldest area of the brooder that the birds can go. Reduce heat by 3°C (5°F) per week after the first two weeks. Changes in temperatures must not exceed more than 2°C (4°F) per day.
FEED: Game birds require a 25%-28% high protein starter for the first 8 weeks. Switch the birds to a 20%-26% game bird grower feed from 816 weeks of age, then further reduced to a 16% layer ration thereafter.
WATER: Use mini drinking bowls to prevent chicks or keets from getting into the water. Provide 1 waterer per 70 birds for a maximum of 7 waterers in the brooder. The waterers should be placed in close proximity to the heat source. Clean your waterers and provide fresh water daily. NOTE: If the birds are not able to find feed and water they will either starve out or their growth will be stunted from malnutrition.
BEDDING: We recommend using large wood shavings which generates less dust and lowers the risk of developing mold. Do not use fine wood shavings, straw or poultry peat moss. Bedding should be at least 2-4 inches thick, as lack of bedding will cause leg problems. Additionally, we recommend to spread hydrated lime on the clean ground. During the first week, take out any wet spots every 3 days and top dress. Completely change as needed.
VENTILATION: Good ventilation is essential to prevent damp bedding that can result in chilled birds. Proper heat and ventilation balance is necessary for adequate air movement to minimize smell and provide low humidity, while keeping the birds comfortable and warm.
LIGHTING: Consistent low lighting is important to help decrease starveout, and allows young chicks and keets to find food and water. Lighting should be dimmed after the first seven days as game birds then tend to become very aggressive and cannibalistic.