Hybrid Layers
Hybrids require 17% layer ration to maintain vigor and to avoid picking, egg eating and cannibalism!
To bring out the best in your Hybrid layers use a lighting schedule as outlined below:
1.) Start your chicks with 23 hours of light.
2.) At 3 days of age, start reducing the number of hours of light by one hour every 2-3 days
 until down to 10 hours.
3.) At 14 days, reduce the light intensity. Dim to just being able to read a newspaper.
 Grow to 19 weeks on 10 hours of dim light.
4.) At 19 weeks, start to increase light by 1 hour per week for 2 weeks,
 then ½ hour per week until you have reached 15 hours of light.
NOTE: If you are raising spring chicks on natural light in the summer, when it comes to fall, increase their light by ½ hour per week until 15 hours in reached.
Winter light reduction, quality of food and lack of water or cold temperatures may prevent your hens from coming into lay, or result in your older hens going into molt (shedding their feathers and cease laying). If this occurs, go back to the lighting program recommended and start again.