Anstey's Services
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- Manufacturer: Anstey Hatchery
Marek’s Vaccine: Available for Standard chicken breeds only
- $23.00 Min. add 23¢ per bird over 100
Marek’s disease affects the nervous system of the infected poultry. It is transmitted by dander and, unfortunately, there is no cure. Losses could be extreme in the infected flock. We recommend all laying hens are vaccinated against Marek’s. If you're aware of a Marek’s problem, all chickens going to your premises should be vaccinated. Turkeys do not get Marek’s. Please note that vaccinations are not instantaneous, so the birds should always be placed in a barn that has been fully cleaned and disinfected.
Beak Treatment: Available for Standard chicken breeds only
- $26.00 Min. add 26¢ per bird over 100
Beak trimming is the practice of removing the tip of a bird’s beak to blunt or round its end to mitigate the impacts of a severe feather pecking outbreak within a flock. Severe feather pecking is where birds vigorously peck at and pull out the feathers of other birds, which can lead to injuries, cannibalism, and death. The cause of severe feather pecking outbreaks include misdirected foraging behaviours, increased stress levels, and nutritional deficiencies in birds. When an outbreak occurs, particularly in a large flock, it can be very difficult to control and treat.
Coccidiosis Vaccine: Available for Standard chicken breeds only
- $23.00 Min. add 23¢ per bird over 100
Coccidiosis refers to a parasitic infection of the gut that causes clinical signs of disease. The parasites referred to are coccidial species (Eimeria). Some key clinical signs include reduced feed consumption, increased water consumption, ruffled feathers, watery feces, dehydration, reduced weight gain, increased feed conversion, bloody droppings and mortality.
For customers that want to be able to feed their chicks unmedicated feed, we strongly suggest that their birds are vaccinated against Coccidiosis. As birds vaccinated against Coccidiosis should not receive medicated feed, we suggest that the customer have unmedicated chick starter available. In the event that a customer feeds their vaccinated chicks a medicated starter, there is no need to panic. However, the medicated starter will neutralize the vaccination so the chicks will need to continue being fed the medicated feed.

Anstey's Services